Healthy School Fundraising


Times are tight – and schools want to raise extra money. No problem. Selling cookie dough or pizza or even baked goods to make that money? Problem.

Did you know the health costs of typical fundraising outweigh the money raised?  Every sale of unhealthy food will increase the students’ BMI by 10%. Unfortunately, obese and overweight students struggle with academics, absenteeism, and bullying ,more than their healthy peers.   

Healthy fundraisers are unique and may draw more buyers than tired old sales of packaged sugar. 

Consider these:

T-shirts, shorts, hair clips/bows,  wristbands, cups, pens, pencils, notebooks, binders, key chains, magnets, balls, jump ropes, stickers, picture frames, reusable lunch containers, lunch bags, Candles, Books, Water, calendars, Stationary, jump drives, ipad covers, iphone covers, Greeting cards, Fruit, Holiday trees, wreaths, Jewelry, First aid kits, Plants, Flower seed packets, bulbs, Gift wrap, Grocery bags, Car wash, Fun run, singing telegrams…

Linkhorne Middle has put on an annual Jag Color Jog - where the students raise money to participate in a fun exercise event. It’s lucrative and healthy!